Saturday, April 02, 2005

Blast from the Past...

Well, I was just going through some of my old writings (from an era before I started blogging), and here's a gallimaufry of snippets from there... *sigh* (it brings back so many memories...)

The Paradox of Love
A person needs your love the most,
When he deserves it the least.

If it troubles you to criticize someone,
You are probably doing the right thing.
If you get even the slightest pleasure out of it,
That's when you should stop to reconsider.

Live every day as your last,
You're gonna be right someday!

The greatest gifts rarely can be seen or bought,
And the greatest one of all is unconditional love.

The dancing eyes reflect wisdom far beyond her age.
The compassionate heart shallt never runneth dry.
The comforting shoulder softer than any pillow,
The laughing face a lighthouse in a storm.

The helping hands always at work,
The sharp mind never at rest,
The patient ears every ready to listen,
The soft lips part into a smile.

A true friend can be hard to find,
A shoulder to cry on, one's troubles to empty,
In the most unexpected of places,
The least likely of people,
Can one finally some solace and comfort derive.

Expressing everything without saying a word,
Listening more with heart than ear,
A lifetime of worries compressed into nothingness,
A new ray of hope for the way ahead.

The outstretched arms and warm touch,
Manna for a broken soul,
Dividing sorrows and multiplying joys,
Reinvigorating sagging spirits again.

More gratitude
Than a thousand
Thank you's can say,
Is what I
Owe to you.

Words, eloquent as they may be,
Prove horribly ineffective
When it comes to expressing
Some of the most profound emotions.

Silence can often convey
Much more than any conversation could.

The Human Touch
Few feelings in the world
Can match the warmth
Of another human being
Sitting beside you, arm in arm.

The power of a hug
Far outdoes
The power of a fist.

Lonliness is the worst feeling in the world.
You can be surrounded by a thousand people
And still be lonely.

The hardest thing in the world
Is to let go of someone you care about.
But it can sometimes be selfish not to do so!

Nothing's ever as good or as bad
As it initially seems.

"Suffering is only worth anything
When it brings about some good somewhere."

The best thing about being a pessimist,
Is that most of your surprises are pleasant ones.

Some of the strongest memories are smells...

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