Monday, July 28, 2008

The Difference Between Guys and Girls

I think the following anecdote goes a long way to describe the difference between the way guys and girls behave. I have these two friends – a guy and a girl – who live in another country. One of their common friends, A (a girl), was supposed to come down to India for a while.

This is how the two friends convey the information to me.

The girl spends half an hour on the phone describing just how amazing A is and how much fun I would have with her around.

The guy catches me on Google Talk and says, “A is coming. Check your mail. Sent you two pics.”


Epiphany said...

:D guys just use their resources efficiently!

Eveline said...

Because it’s boring to be so matter-of-fact. The fun’s in the details.

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

sheesh...if only women would know we zone out for half their conversations when our replies get mono-syllable!

when will they learn?

SwB said...

LOL! Totally!! :)

FifthBeatle said...

@epiphany: And girls use their mouths. (Ummm... That didn't come out right.)

eveline: I think I've written a post somewhere before about something like this. (Here - ) Please do read. You'll understand! :)

mulling over my thoughts: I don't think they'd notice if you stopped answering altogether either. That's sort of my strategy.

FifthBeatle said...

@saltwater blues: Yip.

phantasmagoria said...

i only wish A reads this post. =)

Gauri Gharpure said...

Ha ha ha... if only we cud cut a bit of listless talking.. :)

Siddharth said...

Ha arnold, I like this one! :D

FifthBeatle said...

@phantasmagoria - Now why would you want that? One of the "friends" mentioned has read it though (and also commented here)!

@Gauri Gharpure - Aye!

@Siddharth - 'Course.