Monday, April 20, 2009

This Is Not A Good Sign

When the line between reality and satire gets this thin, it's time to start running for the hills. You have been warned.


Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

Do you know there is a very nice and sarcastic book called "Give us back out Onions" by Khalid Hasan...good read...
The onions reminded me of it!

Simon said...

Ahhh, reality. By sheer fluke, an expert has dropped by your blog and can fill you in on reality.

Have you ever considered that when a crime is comitted in broad daylight, the police get conflicting witness statements?

The answer is simple, it is because we all inhabit our own, unique realities. We all see events according to our own reality.

I could expand to explain the theory of time being different according to the reality you inhabit (which is why some people seem to do so much with their lives).

I could tell you all about the perils of reality shifting using the potent Nightswerve's Velvet Cudgel ale.

I could tell you all about my reality and how I have to control it with copious amounts of dried frog pills.

However, I fear I have scared the gerbils enough for one visit.