Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Headlight Rant

I'm not sure why people drive with their headlights on full beam even in the city? Surely this cannot be because they don't realize what a pain this is to oncoming traffic. They have oncoming traffic that is coming right on to them! And the first thing they ought to notice is that they cannot see anything because of the headlights of others! And that, I would tend to believe, ought to be their cue to dim their own lights.

But this just does not happen.

Hence I can only conclude that people have NO idea that there even are two levels for their headlights.

So in public interest, let me inform all of you who drive cars that your lovely automobile comes with the option of selecting between not just one, but TWO levels, for your headlights when driving. There's "High" and then there's "Low". And when you are driving in areas (like most parts of the city) where there are street lights and other sources of surrounding illumination, you do NOT need the "High". Yes, this may come as a complete shock to you, but it is possible to see quite well without it!

When you drive on "High", you are not only signaling to the rest of the world that you are an Asshole but are also likely to be the cause of trouble to someone else who cannot even see the freaking road because you have blinded them and hence drives straight into some idiot who just happens to be cycling right in the middle of the street. (For the record, this did NOT happen to me.)

Of course, it is quite possible that people actually know that they have the option of the dipper, but don't give a rat's ass either way about anyone else. These people definitely exist, and they're the same kinds that break queues or yell on their cell phones in public places. But I would like to believe that ignorance is the reason behind this particular failure of humanity rather than sheer apathy. The first can possibly be cured, the second, unlikely.


Deepak Iyer said...

I would quite like to mount a floodlight on the car for high beam idiots. Much fun it would be.

Gauri Gharpure said...

yes, it is extremely irritating and I hope your post (inclusive of some strong, well-placed words) makes at least makes some people see sense

_dirtboy said...

I know dude...
Wrote about this couple of years back... the language I used then wasnt very funny.

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

hehehe...everyone i know abuses people who use the high beam inside city limits...makes me wonder why there are so many idiots beaming high!
friggin anamoly that!

Saurabh said...

I agree with Deepak.
I want to get these extremely high illumination, drawing-power-directly-from-the-sun floodlights mounted on my roof which I could then point to these morons, throw open a street-hawk-like switch on my dashboard and disintegrate the idiot in front of me to dust!

Alas, these things don't exist (I checked on eBay) so I make do with flipping my lights a couple of times - which works in about 3% of the cases.

Sigh ...

Fly, You Fools Comics said...

Then there are those Xenon powered super novas that explode in your face blinding you for a few seconds.

It's not right getting angry at these people, they need help.

Hot Sam said...

Replace your headlights with machineguns.

Don't even get me started. I was driving at the Grand Canyon last month at the speed limit. A guy was trying to pass me for several miles. Finally when there was no oncoming traffic he passed me. Moments later, he turned into an overlook site. I turned right after him.

He parked his car literally 2 seconds before I did. He risked the lives of me, my wife, himself, his wife, his kid, and all the people in the oncoming cars to save a few seconds of driving time, as if the Grand Canyon wasn't still going to be there if he dilly-dallied.

Joe Pinto said...

Hi Arnold,

Damn good try. Loved your patience and explanations. And the honest assumption that people do NOT know and need a public education.

And the sudden flashes of angry abuse, that spoiled the brilliant show for me.

Imagine. Give peace a chance.
- Joe.

thusspakerono said...

Good God! I so share your sentiments...

Dipak Chirmade said...

'Headlights on full beam' is certainly an issue. It is nice to see a post which has forked the discussion in this direction :::#::: People here (At North Scandinavia) are really careful when headlights thing comes. Forget about roads, Even on a railway station all trains (but few high speed trains e.g. dual-TGV|X2000 intercity if they want to by-pass the station with a speed more than 500Km/Hr) switches to 'Low beam' just before at a distance of 50m (+/- 10m tolerance) up to the station.:::#::: I don't know about people but defiantly I'll take care of headlights while driving on the Indian roods ;)

Carburettedbrain said...

As if the halogens and xenons werent bad enough already the other day this SOAB had these "disco flashers" instead of headlights which was like someone was pointing a camera and clicking your pictures every 2.135 seconds.. blithering idiots...

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Tiffany said...

Holy Shit that was funny!