Thursday, January 08, 2009


Most of them couldn't tell a Bomb from a Bombshell!


KD13 said...

I agree 100%

(though maybe B could be even higher and A even lower....)

Joe Pinto said...

Hi Arnold,

Mix it up, shake it up.

Do NOT ram the reader with graphics ONLY, please.

Where's the jumping text, man?

Warm regards,
- Joe.

Shilpa said...

True :)

FifthBeatle said...

@karen13 - I agree with you! However, to escape on a technicality, I have offered no scale on the Y-axis of the graph!

@Joe Pinto - I'm not sure I get what you mean by "jumping text"?

@Shilpa - Thanks!

Pranav Patil said...

Insighful graphs.

To the 'Level of Security' graph, I feel to add a line parallel to the X axis labelled 'Level of Public Dis-satisfaction'

workhard said...

Good one :)

Haiku poetry

FifthBeatle said...

@Thosket: Mine's actually going down.

@workhard: Thanks.