The views on this blog are not necessarily those of my family, my friends, my girlfriend, my employer or anyone else you might associate with me. Sometimes they are not even mine. If you feel overly offended by anything, please feel free to sue yourself.
I agree 100%
(though maybe B could be even higher and A even lower....)
Hi Arnold,
Mix it up, shake it up.
Do NOT ram the reader with graphics ONLY, please.
Where's the jumping text, man?
Warm regards,
- Joe.
True :)
@karen13 - I agree with you! However, to escape on a technicality, I have offered no scale on the Y-axis of the graph!
@Joe Pinto - I'm not sure I get what you mean by "jumping text"?
@Shilpa - Thanks!
Insighful graphs.
To the 'Level of Security' graph, I feel to add a line parallel to the X axis labelled 'Level of Public Dis-satisfaction'
Good one :)
Haiku poetry
@Thosket: Mine's actually going down.
@workhard: Thanks.
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